collagen creation

Collagen induction therapy is an industry ‘buzz’ word that has been attached to a variety of different skin treatments. Let me address what it means and why is it important?

Our skin is made up of the top layer; epidermis, middle layer; dermis and the innermost (or deepest) of skin; the hypodermis. The dermis which contributes 90% of the skins thickness is primarily composed of collagen (for strength) and elastin (for elasticity)

These proteins form a network that provides structure to the overlying epidermis. Collagen in the body is produced by cells called fibroblasts and production in the body declines with age, sun exposure, nicotine, pollution, poor diet - although this list is not exhaustive. 

Inducing new collagen formation (CIT) is the process of stimulating the fibroblasts to create new cells and replenish the network. This is done by causing ‘micro-injuries’ to the collagen, which signals the fibroblasts to repair and regenerate.

This can be likened to pruning a tree in Winter. You cut those branches right back and over the next few weeks, beautiful new little shoots are popping up with fresh spring leaves. 

So….how can we make your face look like fresh spring leaves - Glowing, firm and vibrant!?

CO2 laser

  • Columns of light penetrate the skin to cause zones of injury

  • The depth and power can be adjusted to damage cells at different levels in the skin allowing collagen induction, epidermal cell turnover and rejuvenation

  • CO2 laser is the ultimate rejuvenative procedure


  • Microneedles (200 microns in diameter) penetrate the skin and reach to varying depths to damage collagen and elastin. If radio frequency is added heat and energy are deposited within the epidermis to enhance the effect

  • In clinic

    • INFINI - radio frequency microneedling; rejuvenation, acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles

    • Dermapen - utilises needles at a more superficial level to improve post inflammatory erythema of acne, superficial rolling scarring and aid in skin tightening.

  • At home with a dermaroller - the needles don’t penetrate as deeply but the increased frequency of use still allows for great results and aids in allowing penetration of topical serums for greater active result

Laser genesis

  • This is a gentle non ablative procedure that uses micro pulses of infrared laser wavelengths

  • heats the micro vasculature in the dermal layer. The heat triggers generation of new collagen

Collagen induction is about maintaining and supporting the integrity of your skin as well as improving its appearance.

Come and see our Dermal Therspist,Brittany or Registered Nurses, Suzie and Imogen to learn more!!




summer skin